Monday, April 23, 2012


Hallo out there! Mom, I'm really sorry to say this, but our mission isn't doing phone calls on Mother's day. President Nelson said that we are going to do it on Father's day........ Ok just kidding. I know, I know, horrible joke. But I'm excited for the phone call as well. Just a few more weeks I guess. All is well in the land of the Bushwackers. We had some pretty fun events this week. But it sounds like Mom and Dad had fun in utah. I want more pictures of my nieces and nephew!!! I cant believe jack is getting so big! My little spaceman is a stud. And how is baby trudy doing? I suppose she is a few months old now. Give her a great big kiss for me. I hope alice is still being a good little helper. And mari is probably tearin it up in school (figuratively). I cant wait to be the cool uncle that takes them to movies and buys them ice cream n' stuff hehehe. Mom, I loved that commentary on King Benjamin. I have a firm belief that wickedness never was happiness, and that obedience ALWAYS brings happiness. Heavenly Father is so smart!! Commandments aren't constraints, they are guidelines to true, everlasting happyness. And I am on a pursuit of happyness for the people here in Bushwick. So many people dont want to give up their own will for the will of the Lord. If they truly knew how happy they would be, they would give up everything instantly to gain those blessings. But that wouldn't require faith, and faith is necessary for eternal life. Its sad to see people reject the blessings of heaven :/ BUT it is such a blessing to see people make the right choices. We were able to teach Rosa and Angelo a couple times this week. (Angelo is now 12 btw) We brought them to a noche de amistad, or night of friendship. We played games, ate food, and learned about the missionary work. They had a lot of fun. And then yesterday, they both came to church!!! Oh man that was the best. The happiness of seeing people make good choices heavily outweighs the sadness of seeing people make wrong choices. They are progressing very well. This week we will be teaching them the commandments. I pray to Heavenly Father that they will be willing and ready to accept these commitments to Him. So, I'm not sure if I talk about New York very much, but I just wanna explain to all of you how very much I LOVE hispanic food. (Mom, I bet you never thought I'd say that sentence) Lets get things straight, I still despise Taco Bell. Blegh. But I love hispanic food. Since I have only served in bushwick I have only really discovered the wonders of Dominican food. BTW I plan on going to the Dominican Republic after my mission. They make such good rice and chicken. It's their staple. But they are also masters of the platano (or plantain). They have many delicious plates that they make with platano. My favorite snack, as some of you know, is platanos tostones. I will be making them for you all when I get back (thats a promise). Also, they make platano maduro, which is basically the same as tostones but with yellow platano instead of green. I've also had Mongu. Its like mashed potatoes on flavor steroids. Its mashed boiled platanos with butter and red onion and garlic. Soooo good! Also, the Dominicans make one of my most favorite drinks in the world. Its called Morir Sonando. Which literally translates to "Die Dreaming". Thats how good it is. They mix orange juice, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and sugar into this marvelous concoction. Oh man my mouth is getting all saliva-y. And there is this thing called sancocho. Its a stew of platano, yuca, and seven different types of meats. By far the best tasting dish I have had here yet. And all of this is just dominican!! I'm excited for the chance to try Ecuadorian, El Salvadorian, Guatemalan, Mexican, Honduranian, Peruvian, Argentinian, Chilean, everything!!! And that’s the beauty of New York City. No where in the world is there an opportunity like this. But I'm not just excited to try the food, I'm so excited to meet the people. I love my mission so much. I am thoroughly convinced that there is no better mission out there. My mission president, President Nelson, is one of my most favorite people in the world. And I love the Gospel!!! Nothing else could ever make me this happy. I'm so blessed to have a testimony that Christ died for us, but now LIVES for us. In Hebrews we learn of how He came to this earth in the flesh and died to be able to succor us, or to comfort us. What a blessing to have a best friend who knows exactly what you are going through. If you ever want happiness, serve others!! The happiest points in my mission are when I am in the service of my fellow New Yorkians. (Yes I say fellow new yorkians because without pause I consider myself a full-blooded New Yorkian.) The Gospel is so true! Families WILL be together forever as they follow God's guidelines for happiness, or commandments as some may say. I miss you all a ton, but I love the mission and my Lord with all my heart, might, mind and strength. How blessed I am to be a soldier in God's Army! Haha this is fun, gettin pumped in a letter home. But I'm so excited about the Work! I dont know whats in store, but I am ready to go and do, not sit and stew. I love you all!! Be good! Love, Elder Hogge

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