Monday, July 15, 2013

Trying Week

Dear family and friends,
This week has been a trying week, but I feel like I am learning an awful lot.
Poor Alice!! I can just imaginge that sequence of events in my mind. One time at byu, I was waiting in line to get to the BYU v. SDSU basketball game. We waited in line for hours and it was freezing cold and super snowy. It being so cold, I pulled my arms out of the sleeves of my sweater and into my chest. Not one minute later, I was walking in line and hit a patch of black ice. Next thing i knew, my feet were up in the air with the rest of my body, and having inhibited the use of my own arms within my sweater, I hit the ground back first. Luckily it was for the most part and I got a good laugh out of it, but I can relate with Alice in that moment of pure helplessness.
This was a very odd week in the work. Elder heagren and I have been working our hineys off but that blessed thing called agency seems to be holding these people back. We had a solid ten appointments set up throughout the week, had members ready and willing to come with us, but every single one of the appointments fell through. We weren't able to teach a single investigator. I could not believe it. Its like a weird missionary nightmare. And the thing was, I couldn't really feel sad for me. I felt bad that all these people were missing the blessed opportuinty to hear the gospel. Now granted, its not like they were all choosing to not meet with us. Here in new york i've noticed that it can be very, very difficult to prioritize.
The bright side is that we have some great appointments set up for this week. Today at three we are going to stop by the house of this guy we met yesterday. We are just going to drop off a plan of salvation pamphlet, but he seemed genuinely interested in knowing what God's plan is for him. On TuesdayWednesdayFriday, and Saturday we have more appointments set up with people that have accepted to let us come. So there definitely is a great bright side. And we really feel like we are putting in all our best efforts.
Today for p-day we will be having our zone activity. On of the District leaders offered to make pulled pork sandwiches and we are going to be playing some volleyball. It will be a pretty relaxed pday, but I am excited. I really think this week is going to be fantastic! Well I love you all and hope that your week is fantastic as well :)
Love, Elder Hogge

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