Monday, April 8, 2013


::IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:: The church has offically allowed email correspondence between missionaries and any friends or family. QED All emails sent from any of you would be appreciated to the utmost esteem. Now back to our regularly scheduled email. ;)

Family and friends,

For the first time in a year, I have been transfered away from Brooklyn! I was beginning to think to I would be there until I was sent home haha. The Lord has called me to serve in Woodside, Queens. (or as I like to call it, the Goodside) It is a nice and big ward, with people from all over the world. (Many a Chilean and Argentinean, of which I haven't had too many experiences) Every time I meet someone from Buenos Aires or Santiago, I am sure to throw a shout out to my siblings-in-law. I feel that member work will play a very important role over these next few transfers and I will be sure to inquire of the Lord as to what His desire is for this area. My companion is fantastic. His name is Elder Danny Heaps. He is from Cedar City (yep, he did just about jump through the roof with that temple announcement) and has a very supportive family. Both of his parents support him dearly, though his father passed away on January 24th of this year. It was very unexpected for Elder Heaps, and he went home for a few days to participate in the funeral. I am absolutely amazed at Elder Heaps' perspective. He knows he will see his father again, and he speaks and acts accordingly. Elder Heaps goes home in three months, so I just might be his last companion. We are really excited for the work here.

Along with working with the Woodside Ward, the previous elders were working with the YSA branch in Queens. As a result, we are helping a young man named Annaury progress towards baptism. He will be receiving this ordinance next Sunday. It has been wonderful to work with Annaury this past week. He is readily accepting of the doctrine of Christ and is always sure to ask in prayer for the spiritual confirmation of truth. We are so very excited for Annaury. New YSA sisters were just called specifically to this branch, so after his baptism they will give him the new member lessons. At that point, Elder Heaps and I will be one hundred percent devoted to the Woodside Ward.

We have two other companionships in our district. Elder Van Mondfrans (our district leader) and his brand new trainee Elder Neilson, and Sister Van Langen and her brand new trainee Sister Franklin. This is my twelfth transfer, and the combined total of those four other missionaries is also twelve. I am starting to feel a wee bit old haha. The zone is really great. We have a bunch of solid district leaders who are really motivated to achieve goals. I believe we will be seeing great miracles in this area.

General Conference was absolutely wonderful. I am truly beginning to appreciate the counsel given from these wise spiritual giants. I was really able to gain some great spiritual guidance. Like Mom, Elder Holland's discourse really spoke to me. That simple act of believing has so much power behind it. I plan to be able to use that in my own life, and take advantage of that belief in others to bring them closer to Christ.

Sounds like the family is doing well and everything is fine. I am pleased to announce that me and my yellow beanie made the cover of Deseret News haha. Just ask Mom where it is. President provided a copy for every missionary in the mission so I have my own personal memento of the wonderful parade. Well, I love you all. I hope all is well and that the wellness is sustained.

Love, Elder Hogge

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