Monday, April 15, 2013


Dear family and friends,
This has been a wonder past week. Saturday and Sunday were especially important to me.
Its been great workin with Elder Heaps as the leaders over this area. We have great missionaries. Our calling is just another great way to be able to serve other missionaries and the Lord. When I first started in the mission I really looked up to the ZLs as the seasoned and successful missionaries. I hope that my example can be a blessing to the younger (and older) missionaries. Its really no different than being a regular missionary besides being able to train the missionaries in our zone and being able to work closer with President. (I have to admit being able to be around President is just wonderful, though it is kind of intimidating getting texts/calls from him every once in a while haha.) He is such an inspired man. I am thoroughly convinced that he would be more than capable of being a General Authority if the Lord saw fit. Seeing President's example has really helped me understand better my role as a leader.
Saturday morning, we had the baptismal service for Annaury. It was wonderful! Definitely the least stressful baptismal service of which I have been a part. Elder Heaps and I sang "In Humility, Our Savior". Elder Heaps has an absoluletly fantastic voice. I added my humble bass to the very reverent and beautiful song. Elder Heaps performed the ordinance and Annaury was all smiles. Annaury's non member mother was able to come to support him. I could tell that she felt the spirit. Hopefully in the future the missionaries in her area will be able to get in and help the family be united for forever. Sunday morning in the singles branch his confirmation took place. Elder Heaps and I stood in the circle as Camilo (the branch mission leader) confirmed him as a member of the church and gave him the Holy Ghost. It was such a great experience. Annaury is already being prepared to recieve the Aaronic priesthood in two weeks. The handoff from us to the branch has been fantastic. Since we are devoted solely to the Woodside spanish ward now, the YSA sister missionaries will be meeting with him from now on. He is going to be a great member.
As for the work in Woodside, slowly but surely we are gettin the ball rolling. Like always, we have been putting a strong emphasis in finding the families. We were able to meet with a family this week. Their names are Jorge and Marcia. They are really great people. Jorge is really attatched to his evangelical church at this point but we know that the power of the Holy Ghost can touch their hearts. We plan to have an appointment with them on Wednesday. Tonight we have an appointment with a less active member and his friend. We are really excited for that. Hopefully all will go well.
Well, the work goes on. I'm feeling older and older in the mission, but I'm working as hard as ever. My personal goals are being realized as I'm out here and the search to bring families together forever is thrilling. Till next week...
love, Elder Hogge

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