Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!!!

It has been an entire 5 days since I emailed last. Hope you thoroughly enjoyed the pictures! I would send more, but right now we are at a hispanic internet cafe and the computer next to me notified the user that there was a malicious virus trying to activate. Sooooo I think I'll save my thumb drive and send you pics once I get to an actual library next week. That's New York for ya ;)

Today we are headed to downtown Brooklyn. I'm pretty stoked. We'll be hitting up the mall and probably stop by guitarcenter for a bit (mwah hah ha). Then because its new years eve president wants us in by six so its basically a full p-day. We will be chillin with the other elders in the district. woooot!!

This week since last Wednesday has been a really good week for the area we are working in.  Elder Jensen, Daley, and I have begun to an idea to really help the work move forward. We call it the Lowest Hanging Fruit list. What we did is we have taken an inventory of all the members we know in our area (and we have really been making a push to visit them all) and found all the non members that live with them. The list is a compilation of each non member and the member family that lives with them. We prayerfully selected a few families to really start working on. Our strategy is to build the faith of the members so that they can always be that example of the believer around the non member. It seems like a pretty obvious strategy, but for some reason we have just recently discovered it. We have already seen the blessings of it. 

At church, we had a new investigator attend. He lives with a super solid family named the Riveras. They were all baptized within the past four years and the dad was just baptized half a year ago. The investigator's name is Gustavo. He's pretty cool. He lived in Nashville for a few years for work so he learned how to say a few words with a cowboy accent. There are very few things more hilarious than a native Honduran talking like a southerner. But he is a chill guy. He has talked to the missionaries before, but we had a really good lesson with him on Saturday. He wants to find out if the church really is true. I believe we will see great things from this household. AAAAnd it just so happens that the uncle of Hermana Rivera just moved in with them from Reno. Yesterday was his first time ever at church and he had a good time. The Lord is already starting to pour out blessings on us.

I am super duper excited for this next week. We already have a lot of solid appointments set up. Who knows what the Lord has in store for us. As we keep doing the best we can the Lord will take care of the rest. Be good, y'all!!

Love, Elder Hogge

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