Monday, July 2, 2012

Fantastic Week!!

Queridos Familia y Amigos,

Fantastic week!!! I'm super stoked to share it with you guys.

First off, I wanna start with President Calderwood. (Oh Elder Verhagen says HI back). President is absolutely amazing!!! I know without a doubt that he has been called by the Lord to serve here. We all met him on Saturday for a Mission Conference. Though its hard to see President Nelson go, I know that the smooth and inspired switch will bring so much to the mission. So a little about new prez. He is here with his wife and two youngest children. They have six children total (three girls and three boys I think) and they were all present at the conference. Prez and his wife have done a terrific job raising their children and I know they will use the same devotion and care over the mission. President Calderwood spoke last, and to me he sounds like a General Authority. So much power and love in all his words. He told us about the final week at the MTC, more specifically the final sunday. At the sacrament meeting for the new mission presidents going into the field, 35 of the Seventy were there, the presiding Bishopric was there, 8 of the twelve apostles were there, and the entire First Presidency was present. After the sacrament was passed, the only speaker was our beloved Prophet. The Lord cares about this work so much. I know that President Calderwood will be a fantastic instrument in the hands of God.

This week something really special has happened. There is an investigator that we picked up about a month ago. His name is Fernando. We met with him and taught him an awesome plan of salvation lesson. Unfortunately he had a ton of work and we werent able to meet with him for a long time. We finally got back into contact with him. We met with him and his wife on thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday of this past week. The only thing is, he and his wife, Karla, arent legally married. This is common in the hispanic culture so it was really no surprise to us. But the truth of Christ's Gospel has touched their hearts since we have been teaching them. They want to get married now. Also, I asked them last night if they believe Joseph Smith truly saw God and Jesus Christ, and they both gave a definitive yes! We also watched "The Lamb of God" with them. Last night's lesson with them was one of the most spiritual lessons I've had. We haven't set a firm baptismal date with them because they still need to figure out marriage stuff but they both know that this Gospel will truly bless them and their family. The other really important step they need to take is making church their number one priority. If they start coming to church they will take the next step of baptism for sure. The Lord has blessed Elder Verhagen and I with this wonderful family and I am so excited to see what progress they will make.

This week I have really been focusing on how the Spirit works within me. I had realized that till up to this point, I had never truly focused on my relationship with the Holy Ghost as much as I should.Through much dedication, I have finally begun to understand how the spirit talks to me. And it was very strong last night in our lesson with Fernando and Karla. For me, the Spirit gives me very powerful feelings of love and sympathy for the people I serve. I caught a glimpse what I know the sons of Mosiah felt. I could not stand the thought of Fernando and Karla not accepting the Gospel. I'd felt that before with other investigators, but never as strong. And I had never associated those feelings with the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I share this very valuable experience with you all because I know that the Spirit speaks to each one of us in very specific ways. We know from the writings of Paul to the people of Galatia that the product of feeling the spirit is "Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance". This week I give you all a challenge: Truly focus on how the spirit works within you. Pray to know how the spirit is best able to communicate with you. I know that Heavenly Father will bless all of you with more comprehension of the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The longer I am out on the mission, the more I realize how much the Lord truly blessed me with the family I have. I love you all so much.

Love, Elder Hogge

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