Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ups and Downs


This has been a week filled with ups and downs.

Mom, I loved your story about the temple. There are those faces that just will never leave our mind. I'm glad you were able to be such a special step in the life of this woman.

We got a text from Fabiola this week letting us know that they would not be continuing to meet with us. I think earlier in my mission I would have taken off my shoe and thrown it as hard as I could at the nearest breakable object. Things like that text seem to happen all too frequently for me in my mission, but luckily the Lord is really strengthening me and helping me see the bigger picture. We have to know the sadness of people misusing their agency in order to truly cherish the joy of those that use it correctly in the sight of God. Maybe one day Fabiola and Rodrigo will come around, but today is not that day.

It was tough not seeing any investigators at church this week. Sometimes I expect to see an immediate correlation between the amount of hard hours I work and the outward, visible success I achieve. Thankfully, the Lord is really teaching me how to be humble amid adversity. And its not like he is leaving us blessing-less anyways. Remember Bruno from Bushwick? I was teaching him in December but then I got transfered. Well I got the fantastic news that he was baptized and confirmed last week! That really brightened my day. Unfortunately I couldnt go to the ordinances because they conflicted with the schedule here at Dyker, but it was wonderful to hear. I hope to return to Bushwick to say hi to my good friend.

Also, this week at church a member from the Midwood area (the ward next door to Dyker) walked into church with his girlfriend and children, all who have yet to be baptized. We still aren't sure to what part of Dyker he will move, but he is making a resolve to come to church this year. I see great potential in this. Elder Ibarra and I were also able to visit a less active family that I have spent the better part of 3 months trying to contact. They are very strong and provide great potential for real growth once they make the commitment to come back to church. So although it may feel like we aren't receiving the blessings we want, the ward is receiving the blessings it needs. We are really starting to gain the trust of the bishop here. I am excited to see what the future provides for us.

So today for P-day we are headed to Jamaica to visit a family that Elder Ibarra baptized. (Yes, jamaica is in our mission. jamaica, queens that is) We might head over to the rego park mall to do some recreational shopping and hang out with other missionaries. We will see.
Well, yous guys are awesome!!! Keep up the great support!!

Love, Elder Hogge

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